3 Effective Deep Cleaning Solutions on How to Clean a Bathtub 


Maria DeSouza

| Published September 20, 2023

Maintaining a clean bathtub is crucial for various reasons, and it contributes to both our well-being and the OVERALL CLEANLINESS of our living spaces.

This guide will explore the importance of keeping a clean tub and provide effective methods to achieve that pristine sparkle you desire.

At the end of this guide, you will fully understand the significance of maintaining a clean tub and be equipped with the knowledge and techniques needed to achieve a spotless and inviting bathing space.

Let’s dive into it and discover the best methods on how to clean a bathtub!

Identifying Your Bathtub Material

Identifying the material your particular bathtub is made of should be a TOP PRIORITY before scrubbing away at your tub. This enables you to know which techniques are best for cleaning your bathtub, depending on what it’s made of.

So, before we run through the basics, allow us to lead you through identifying your tub material first!

Porcelain Bathtubs

Porcelain bathtubs are a popular choice due to their classic elegance and durability. They typically have a glossy, smooth surface that’s easy to clean and maintain.

They’re often white or off-white, though other options are still available. The smooth, glass-like finish gives them a luxurious and pristine look.

Acrylic Bathtubs

Acrylic bathtubs often have a high-gloss finish, similar to porcelain, but may come in a broader range of colors and styles.

They can mimic the look of other materials like stone or metal, offering more design options for your bathroom. They are lightweight compared to porcelain or cast iron materials.

Ceramic Bathtubs

Ceramic bathtubs, also known as ceramic-coated bathtubs, are another common type of tub material. They have a smooth, shiny, and glossy finish, resembling porcelain.

However, ceramic coatings may come in a wider range of hues and patterns, allowing for more customization options.

Fiberglass Bathtubs

Fiberglass bathtubs have a smooth and slightly glossy surface but may have a slight texture or feel grainy. The surface finish is typically uniform and may have a slight sheen.

One of the critical characteristics of fiberglass tubs is their lightweight construction. Fiberglass is a flexible material, so you may notice slight bending when applying pressure to the tub’s sides.

Cultured Marble Bathtubs

Cultured marble bathtubs are a luxurious and visually appealing option that replicates the look of natural marble but comes at a lower price.

They often feature intricate patterns and veining, creating a premium aesthetic. The tub’s surface is smooth and polished, similar to natural marble.

How to Clean a Bathtub: The Basics

Whether you have a porcelain, acrylic, ceramic, fiberglass, or cultured marble tub, understanding this comprehensive guide to cleaning a bathroom is crucial for effective maintenance.

QUICK TIP: Cleaning the tub shouldn’t hurt. You can make a cushion for your knees by repeatedly folding a clean towel lengthwise.

Regular Cleaning Routine

A consistent cleaning routine allows you to clean a bathtub without investing significant time and effort. Here are the key steps to include in your periodic cleaning routine:

  • Gather cleaning supplies
  • Clear the area and the tub edges with bath toys, a bath mat, etc.
  • Apply the cleaning solution
  • Scrub and clean
  • Rinse with cold water
  • Dry and polish
  • Clean the drain and grout lines

Choosing Suitable Cleaning Solutions

Check the manufacturer’s instructions or recommendations for cleaning your tub material. They may have a specific guide on the types of cleaners you can use or avoid to prevent damage.

Opt for gentle, non-abrasive cleaners on the entire tub surface. Avoid using harsh chemicals, bleach, or abrasive scrubbing powders, as they can scratch or damage the finish of your entire tub.

Essential Bath Cleaning Tools

The right cleaning tools are CRUCIAL for efficiently and effectively cleaning your tub. Here are some essential tools to clean a bathtub that will aid you in achieving a thorough and spotless clean:

  • Damp rag/damp cloth/paper towels
  • Scrub brush
  • Old toothbrush
  • Spray bottle
  • Rubber gloves and safety glasses
  • Tile cleaner
  • Toilet bowl cleaner

Deep Cleaning a Bathtub

Now that you understand the basics, it’s time to explore deep cleaning and maintaining a clean bathtub drain and exterior. 

We’ll discuss effective techniques and tips for a genuinely deep-cleaned and revitalized bathing space.

Cleaning with Baking Soda and Vinegar

Cleaning your tub with baking soda and white distilled vinegar is a NATURAL and EFFECTIVE method to help clean grout, tough stains, soap scum, and grime.

Baking soda is a gentle abrasive, while vinegar’s acidic properties help break down residue. For this method, you’ll need a cup of baking soda, white vinegar, a grout brush, an old toothbrush, and hot water.

Using the Bleach Solution

Bleach is a strong disinfectant that can tackle deep-seated grime. You’ll need bleach, hot water, a soft sponge or a dry cloth, and proper ventilation for this bathtub cleaning.

You will also need to wear rubber gloves and safety glasses as a precaution.

Using Commercial Cleaning Products

Look for the best commercial cleaning products designed for bathtubs and bathroom surfaces. Apply the commercial cleaning product to the tub surface as instructed.

It’s common to spray the product directly onto the entire surface or use a sponge or microfiber cloth to lightly scrub it. Allow the product to sit on the tub and the surrounding tile.

How to Handle Stubborn Stains and Dirt Buildup

With the right techniques and tools, tackling even the MOST STUBBORN bathtub stains and dirt buildup is possible, restoring your tub to its pristine condition.

Mildew and Mold

You can use several effective solutions to remove mildew and mold. Some options include:

  • Vinegar solution
  • Bleach solution
  • Commercial mold and mildew cleaners
  • Scrub brush
  • Tub-and-tile cleaner
  • Toilet bowl cleaner

Hard Water Stains

White vinegar is a natural and effective bathtub cleaner for removing hard water stains. Mix white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle to create a cleaning solution.

You can also create a paste using a cup of baking soda and a warm water solution for stubborn stains.

Mix baking soda with a small amount of warm water to form a thick paste. Let the paste sit for a few minutes before scrubbing.

Soap Scum

Soap scum is a common and stubborn issue in bathtubs, making them look dull and visibly dirty. Here’s how to clean a bathtub with soap scum:

  • Vinegar solution
  • Baking soda paste
  • Commercial cleaners
  • Steam cleaning
  • Liquid dish soap

Rust Stains

Rust stains can occur due to metal fixtures, hard water with high iron content, or exposure to rusted objects. Here’s how to clean a bathtub with rust stains:

  • Lemon juice and salt
  • Vinegar and baking soda paste
  • Commercial rust removers
  • Oxygen bleach
  • Metal cleaners

How to Restore the White Shine

Over time, the white shine of your tub can become dull or discolored due to accumulated dirt, stains, or wear and tear.

Restoring the white shine of your tub ENHANCES its visual appeal and creates a clean and inviting bathing space.

Natural Remedies

These remedies utilize common household ingredients that are gentle yet useful in removing tougher stains and discoloration and restoring the brightness of your bathtub. Here are some natural remedies to consider:

  • Baking soda paste
  • Lemon juice
  • Vinegar solution
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Borax paste
  • Dish soap

Commercial Brightening Products

Look for commercial brightening products for bathtub surfaces. These products often contain strong cleaning and brightening agents that can remove stains and restore the white shine of your tub.

Pay attention to advised usage, safety precautions, and contact time required for optimal results.

Maintenance Tips for Preserving Whiteness

Maintaining the white shine of your bathtub requires a bit of elbow grease. By following these maintenance tips, you can preserve the whiteness and cleanliness of your bathtub with minimal scrubbing:

  1. Regular cleaning routine – Establish a cleaning routine to prevent dirt, stains, and soap scum buildup. Deep clean your tub with a few drops of dish soap and an old toothbrush.
  2. Rinse after each use – Rinse your tub with hot water to remove any soap scum, shampoo, or body oils that can contribute to stains and discoloration.
  3. Wipe off excess moisture – After rinsing, dry the surface of your tub with a clean paper towel or microfiber cloth. This helps prevent water spots from forming, keeping the white shine intact.
a pair of gloved hands belonging to a woman, diligently wiping down the surface of a bathtub
  1. Use soft water – If you have hard water, consider using a water softener or a water filter to reduce mineral deposits that can cause discoloration and buildup. Hard water solutions can create toxic gas or noxious fumes.
  2. Avoid stain-causing substances – Avoid using products that can cause stains, such as hair dyes, strong dyes, or heavily pigmented bath products.

Precautions to Avoid Damaging Your Tub

Taking precautions while cleaning and using your tub is essential to prevent damage. Here are some precautions to keep in mind:

  1. Read the manufacturer’s instructions – These instructions often provide recommended cleaning methods and products and any specific precautions to follow.
  2. Avoid abrasive cleaners and tools – Avoid abrasive cleaners, harsh chemicals, or scrubbing tools that can scratch or damage the surface of your tub.
  3. Spot test new products – Before using a new cleaning solution, perform a spot test on a small, unnoticeable area of your tub.
  4. Ventilate the bathroom – Ensure proper ventilation by opening windows or turning on the exhaust fan while using cleaning products.
  5. Use suitable tools – Select appropriate cleaning tools for your tub material. Avoid using a rough or abrasive scrub brush, steel wool, or scouring pads that can cause scratches.
  6. Be gentle with fiberglass and acrylic tubs – If you have an acrylic or fiberglass tub, be extra cautious and avoid using abrasive cleaners or tools.
  7. Avoid extreme temperatures– Avoid using cold or warm water directly on your bathtub’s surface. Rapid temperature changes can cause thermal shock and potentially lead to cracks or damage.
  8. Proper drainage – Ensure proper drainage by regularly clearing any debris or hair that may accumulate in the bathtub drain. This prevents clogs and potential water damage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s answer frequently asked questions and discuss cleaning tips to get your tub’s sparkle back!

Can I Use Abrasive Cleaners to Clean My Bathtub?

It’s generally recommended to avoid abrasive cleaners to preserve the appearance and integrity of your bathtub. Instead, opt for non-abrasive cleaners specifically formulated for your bathtub material.

How Often Should I Clean My Bathtub?

The recommended frequency for bathtub cleaning depends on various factors such as usage, personal preference, and dirt buildup. Aim to deep clean your bathtub at least once a week for routine cleaning.

What Can I Do to Maintain the White Shine in My Bathtub?

To maintain the white shine of your bathtub, here are some key steps you can take:

Frequent cleaning
Gentle cleaning solutions
Rinse with cold water
Wipe dry
Avoid stain-causing substances
Address stains promptly
Regular inspection
Preventive measures

What’s the Best Way to Remove Hard Water Stains?

Removing hard water stains requires a targeted approach to dissolve and remove the mineral deposits left behind by hard water. A Vinegar solution is an effective method to tackle hard water stains.

Can I Use Vinegar to Clean My Bathtub?

Vinegar is a VERSATILE and EFFECTIVE homemade cleaner used to clean your tub. It is a natural acid that can help remove soap scum, mineral deposits, and stains.


Regular cleaning, using safe products, and following best practices are ESSENTIAL for maintaining a clean and white tub. It might need a bit of elbow grease, so do it on a day off.

By implementing these practices, you can ensure the longevity of your bathtub, create a hygienic environment, and sweeten the overall aesthetic appeal of your bathroom.

Embrace the perks of a clean bathtub and indulge in a relaxing soak or hot bath in your sparkling clean sanctuary.

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