How to Clean a Bedroom: Quick and Easy Guide


Maria DeSouza

| Published September 20, 2023

When you clean your bedroom, you’re getting rid of particles and allergens that might prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.

The most efficient way to do that is to follow a good bedroom cleaning checklist.

Once you’ve finished reading this article, you’ll have a more restful space where you can relax without stressing about your room.

You won’t even need a professional organizer or cleaner to get the job done!

How to Clean a Bedroom: Step-By-Step Guide

Trying to clean your bedroom can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start.

Follow the step-by-step guide below to get started.

1. Preparing for Bedroom Cleaning

A comprehensive bedroom cleaning checklist ensures you don’t skip anything within the space. Alternatively, it ensures you don’t get overwhelmed by your chores.

For instance, let’s say you put aside your dirty clothing and wipe down surfaces, but while doing so, you get the urge to change the bedding or organize your laundry.

A bedroom cleaning checklist will help you stay on track.

In general, below is a list of cleaning supplies you’ll need to clean your bedroom.

  • Broom
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • Trash bags
  • Extended rod
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Cleaning spray
  • Clean sheets
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Water

2. Cleaning Bedroom Surfaces

Use a duster to dust all of the surfaces in your room. If you don’t have one, use a microfiber cloth to remove any dust bunnies.

Start high and work your way down so falling dust doesn’t get onto objects you’ve already cleaned.

You can use a long-handled duster for the ceiling or hard-to-reach corners. Meanwhile, the vacuum, on its lowest power with a brush attachment, is good for pleated light shades, curtains, and pelmets.

After dusting, wipe surfaces to remove marks and any sticky spots.

Use the right cleaning or disinfectant spray, a clean cloth, or antibacterial wipes. Remember to wipe down light switches and light fixtures, ceiling fans, window treatments and window sills, and door handles.

3. Cleaning the Closet

Put dirty laundry in the washing basket and properly put away clean clothing.

You can easily overhaul your closet if you want. Divide your clothing into three piles: keep, donate/sell, and discard.

Properly hang or fold the clothes you want to keep. Organize your shoes and everything else in it.

Put the items you want to discard in a separate container to throw away later. Similarly, put the items you want to donate or sell in another container and drop it off at a charity donation or put them up for sale.

4. Cleaning the Bed and Bedding

You should strip the bed and change sheets regularly since your sheets can house dust mites. You should especially change sheets after dusting the room.

an image of two female onix cleaners adjusting the bed mattress

That’s because all the dust can settle on your bed, potentially becoming allergens.

After you strip the bed, let the mattress air for at least 30 minutes. Use the vacuum on the lowest setting and flip or turn the mattress if you want.

If you need more deep cleaning (like needing to remove urine odors from your mattress), it would be best to do it before putting fresh sheets on the bed.

Learn the correct way to wash bed sheets and pillowcases according to the material they’re made. Wash the down comforter and weighted blanket too. You can wash some types of electric blankets, but check the tag first.

Get down on all fours and clean under the bed. You can use several cleaning strategies under the bed — but the easiest is to just vacuum or sweep underneath as far as you can.

Organize or throw away any clutter you find.

5. Cleaning the Floor

If you have lightweight furniture, move them to the hallway while you deep clean the room. Reach as far as you can in the space under the remaining furniture.

If you have hardwood floors, remove and vacuum your rugs before you deal with the floor. But if you have carpeted rooms, vacuum the dust bunnies.

You can mop the entire floor after vacuuming or sweeping the space.

6. Cleaning Windows and Blinds

Spray a mixture of 1:10 vinegar and water on the windows. Alternatively, you can use soapy water or a glass cleaner.

Wipe the windows with a microfiber cloth, then dry them with another microfiber cloth.

Aside from the windows, you can also use your homemade or commercial glass cleaner on glass picture frames and light fittings.

Quick Tips for Fast Bedroom Cleaning

You might not always have the time or energy to deep clean your bedroom.

Here are some quick tips on how to hastily clean a bedroom.

Creating a Cleaning Routine

Creating good habits ensures you keep your room as tidy as possible. Sticking to a cleaning schedule will also help you stay on track so you don’t miss anything.

Break down your bedroom cleaning checklist tasks according to frequency.

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly/Seasonal

Doing so prevents you from being too overwhelmed and confused about what you should work with at any time in your room.

Declutter Regularly

You shouldn’t let the dirt and clutter pile up between your deep cleanings. To prevent that from happening, you should declutter your room regularly.

Apart from eliminating unused items, always return things to their proper location after using them.

Avoid throwing dirty clothing on the floor; place it in the hamper instead. You also shouldn’t wait for the trash can to overflow before changing the trash bag.

Use of Specific Cleaning Tools

Using the right cleaning products makes a big difference in how efficiently you can clean your room.

For instance, glass cleaners are specially made to cut through dirt and grime on glass. But it also usually contains solvents that stick to glass to give them that extra sparkle.

Specific Strategies for Cleaning a Bedroom with ADHD

If you have ADHD, you might struggle with organizing the room on your own.

We’ll list down some specific strategies you can try to keep your everyday messes to a minimum.

Breaking the Task Into Smaller Parts

General-sounding tasks like “clean surfaces” and “clean the bed” can still sound overwhelming. As such, you can break it into smaller steps and focus on one small task at a time.

So, you can break down surface cleaning into the surfaces you want to wipe down — such as light fixtures, windows, and such.

Or, if you want to vacuum or sweep the floors, break it down as follows:

  1. Remove lightweight furniture from the room.
  2. Vacuum the rugs.
  3. Put rugs out of the room.
  4. Sweep or vacuum the floor.
  5. Mop the floor.

Setting a Timer for Cleaning Intervals

Setting a timer can help you focus as much as possible.

For instance, you might know you’ll take a few hours to tidy up the whole bedroom. You can set a few minutes to put aside clean clothing before you take a break or set a new timer for another task.

This helps break down your tasks into even smaller tasks, so you don’t run out of steam while tidying up.

Create a Habit of ‘A Place for Everything and Everything in Its Place’

The trick here is to make bedroom organization easy to maintain — so what you do here is entirely up to you.

Baskets, bins, and shelves that are clearly labeled or color-coded can help you get the job done.

If you don’t like folding clean clothes, you can hang them up rather than throwing them on the bed. Sort your clothes by hanging them in the same direction so you can easily file through them later on.

If you don’t think you can keep your beauty products organized on shelves, have a basket to toss them into.

Cleaning a Very Dirty Bedroom

When you have a very dirty room, simply starting can be even more overwhelming and confusing.

However, you clean it the same way you’d clean a less dirty bedroom — although it may take more time.

Where to Start Cleaning

First, you should tidy up — pick up trash and declutter. Sift through everything that doesn’t belong on the floors, your bed, and other surfaces (like drawers and tables).

For items that aren’t trash, you can set them aside in a box first and then organize them later.

From there, you can dust the surfaces, make the bed, and sweep the floor.

How to Dispose of Unwanted Stuff

You might realize you have an old pillowcase you don’t want to use anymore or have more clothes and decor than your room might comfortably fit.

Separate your items into three piles: keep, discard, sell/donate. Then, organize those you want to keep and throw away what can’t be used anymore. Free up some time in your schedule so you can start selling or donating the other items.

Special Cleaning Techniques for Tough Stains or Dirt

Sometimes, a damp microfiber cloth isn’t enough to take stains out.

You can spray the right product on the tough stain and let it sit for just a few minutes before trying to wash it off again.

You don’t have to stick with the same product; you can experiment with brands to find the best product for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

By now, you know you won’t always need a professional organizer or cleaner to keep your bedroom in order.

If you still have some questions on how to clean a bedroom, we’ve answered some below.

What Is the Fastest Way to Clean a Bedroom?

You can still clean your room fast if you don’t have much time to spare.

Put dirty clothes in the hamper.
Refold/rehang clean clothes.
Pick up the trash (then throw out the trash bag).
Make the bed.
Put things that don’t belong in the bedroom in a separate box to fix later.
If you can organize your surfaces in a few minutes, do it. If not, you can put everything in a box first to reorganize later.
Sweep or vacuum the floors. You don’t need to move furniture around.

How Do You Properly Clean a Closet?

If you want to focus on your closet, follow the steps below.

Take everything out.
Wipe down and sweep everything inside. Let it air out for a bit.
Sort your clothes into keep, discard, and sell/donate piles.
Put your “keep” pile back in the closet.

What Tools Do I Need to Clean My Bedroom Efficiently?

Most of the things you use to clean the whole house are good for the bedroom too.

Vacuum cleaner
Microfiber cloths
Cleaning spray
Baking soda

How Do I Motivate Myself to Clean My Bedroom?

Finding the motivation to clean your bedroom can be hard if you don’t always do it. So, the first thing you should aim for is to make it a habit.

There are several strategies you can do to help you.

Break down your chores into smaller tasks.
Make a checklist.
Make a rewards system.
Just get up and do it.

How Often Should I Clean My Bedroom?

The general rule is to clean your bedroom little by little every day. Separate tasks to do daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly.

For instance, your daily routine can include:

Making the bed.
Putting clean clothes away and dirty clothes in the hamper.
Putting items in their proper places.
Ensuring the tops of dressers, nightstands, and tables are clutter-free.


We spend hours in our bedroom. As such, we must ensure it’s free of allergens and clutter that can make it a stressful space to be in.

A clean bedroom is more relaxing and healthier to stay in.

Get your materials ready and start by clearing everything. Then, you can take your duster and a damp cloth and tackle the surfaces. When you’re all done, you can deal with the floor.

Make a checklist for daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly tasks, so you’re not too overwhelmed when managing your space.

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