How to Clean a Shower: Tips and Tricks for a Sparkly Clean Shower


Maria DeSouza

| Published September 20, 2023

Want to elevate your shower cleaning game and achieve a spotless bathroom? This guide on how to clean a shower is THE ANSWER!

We know how taxing it is to deal with soap residue, grime, hard water stains, and mold in the shower. 

That’s why in this ultimate guide, we discussed effective tips and tricks that’ll help you clean like a pro. These hacks will definitely keep your shower sparkly, clean, and hygienic! 

Ready to learn more? Read on. 

Why Should You Clean Your Shower Regularly?

Keeping your shower head, shower wall, and shower door clean is genuinely BENEFICIAL. 

It keeps your tiles, fixtures, and glass spotless and prevents the growth of bacteria, mold, and mildew

Regularly cleaning your shower head also prevents stains, odors, and blockages for a more enjoyable shower experience.

The Right Tools and Materials for Cleaning a Shower

In this guide, we’re spilling the beans on how to clean a shower efficiently, starting with the must-have tools and materials to clean up grime. These will definitely make your shower head and shower wall sparkle like new.

So, grab your cleaning gloves, and let’s dive into the best commercial cleaning products and shower-cleaning tools. Prepare to unleash your shower’s true shine!

Commercial Cleaning Products

To make cleaning easy, use safe commercial cleaning products that effectively remove tough stains, scum, and grime. 

Alternatively, try NATURAL SOLUTIONS like sodium bicarbonate, distilled white vinegar, and lemon juice. These are closely effective in scrubbing off stains and residue from your shower.

NOTE: Follow instructions carefully and wear gloves to protect your hands when working with commercial cleaners.

Homemade Cleaning Solutions

Clean your home with these useful DIY solutions:

  • Distilled white vinegar and hot water for tiles and glass.
  • Sodium bicarbonate paste for stubborn stains and grout.
  • Lemon juice and vinegar solution for antibacterial cleaning.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and hot water for mildew and mold.
  • Dish soap and water for everyday cleaning.

NOTE: Do not use chlorine bleach on rust stains. Chlorine bleach might cause rust to permanently set on the surface. Diluted bleach, on the other hand, is not acidic. It can clean stones and kill mildew and bacteria.

‘How to Clean a Shower’ – Steps for an Efficient Cleaning Process

Are you tired of stepping into a lackluster shower? Don’t worry! We’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to clean your shower quickly and efficiently and make it look brand new.

Performing a Basic Clean

Before cleaning your shower, remove the shower curtains and open the window for ventilation. 

Use a spray bottle and spritz the cleaner EVENLY onto the surfaces. Scrub away dirt and stains, rinse with cold water, and dry with a cloth.

Clean glass shower doors with a squeegee and wipe down the fixtures and drains with a dry towel. Give it a final look-over to ensure it’s fresh and ready for use.

Deep Cleaning a Shower

To clean your shower thoroughly, remove your personal items (soaps and shampoo bottles) and FOCUS on areas that accumulate grime.

Use a grout cleaner for grout streaks, vinegar and water for glass shower doors, and vinegar or lemon juice for hard water stains. Clean the glass doors’ fixtures, rinse everything, and inspect for missed spots.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Grout brushes have stiff bristles, which may damage natural stone.

Cleaning Techniques for Various Shower Types

Showers are not created equally. That’s why we have a lowdown on some nifty cleaning techniques tailored for different shower types.

Whether you have a glass-walled paradise, a classic tile haven, or even a trendy natural stone oasis, we got you covered! Let’s learn how to make each shower shine like the superstar it is!

Cleaning a Walk-In Shower

Use mild soap or a shower cleaner on shower walls and shower doors to clean a walk-in shower. You can also apply tile cleaner on the shower’s walls and shower floor.

Clean the glass with a non-abrasive sponge or squeegee and glass cleaner. Scrub the grout streaks and glass shower door tracks with a slight elbow grease using a sponge or soft bristle brush. After which, rinse and dry with a cloth or microfiber towel.

On the other hand, use a vinegar-water cleaning solution or commercial cleaner for mold and mildew. You can also utilize the same solution to soak your detachable shower head

If you can’t remove your shower head, pour vinegar in a plastic bag and fasten it with a rubber band around the shower head; make sure it is FULLY SUBMERGED.

Cleaning a Fiberglass Shower

Create a mix of mild bathroom cleaner, warm water, and a few drops of dishwashing liquid to wash your fiberglass shower. Avoid abrasive cleaners and cleaning supplies that could scratch the surface.

an image of a woman wearing gloves, using a sponge to clean a fiberglass shower with one hand, while holding a bottle of liquid disinfectant in her other hand

When cleaning, remove the shower curtain and other accessories first, then spray the cleaning agent and scrub with a soft sponge or microfiber cloth. For stubborn stains, apply a sodium bicarbonate paste. 

Flush and dry with a microfiber cloth to prevent water spots. REGULAR MAINTENANCE will help retain the glossy finish of your fiberglass shower.

Cleaning an Acrylic Shower

Avoid harsh chemicals and use mild solutions like warm water, soap, or an acrylic cleaner to clean your shower. 

Apply the cleaning solution on the shower walls and shower floor with a soft sponge or cloth, then rinse and dry to prevent water spots. Avoid abrasive materials and strong chemicals, and clean spills promptly.

You can keep your acrylic shower looking great with gentle cleaning and maintenance.

REMINDER: Remove the shower curtain and other accessories before cleaning.

Cleaning a Ceramic Shower

Remove all items and wet the tiles before gently scrubbing them with a soft bristle brush or sponge. Utilize a warm water and dish soap solution or a commercial ceramic cleaner for a clean ceramic shower. 

A metal scrubber or hard-bristled brush can scratch the ceramic tile. So, we suggest using a sponge or plastic mesh scrubber to clean your shower’s ceramic tile. 

Clean grout with grout cleaner or sodium bicarbonate paste and a small scrub brush. Flush with warm water and dry with a soft cloth. AVOID harsh chemicals to maintain your shower’s inviting appearance.

NOTE: Stone showers, such as those made from granite, marble, and other natural stone, require special cleaning methods. The material’s permeability makes it vulnerable to scratches and stains. To keep your stone shower in tip-top shape, apply a stone sealer once a year to your stone shower, especially when water no longer beads on the stone’s surface or the shower tiles appear darker when wet.

Essential Tips for Cleaning Different Aspects of a Shower

If you think cleaning a shower is a one-size-fits-all deal, think again! We have many ESSENTIAL TIPS for tackling different aspects of your shower.

How to Tackle Stubborn Soap Scum

For scum, mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Apply, let sit for 10-15 minutes, then wipe away. 

For tough buildup, try using a sodium bicarbonate paste or lemon juice. If a natural cleaning solution doesn’t work, use a commercial remover and follow instructions closely. 

To PREVENT BUILDUP, wipe surfaces after bathing, use liquid soap, and avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive tools.

Removing Hard Water Spots

Remove hard water stains by mixing vinegar or lemon juice with water and scrubbing gently. For tough stains, use a paste made of baking soda and water.

Use a water softener or shower filter to prevent future stains, and avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive tools.

Fighting Grime Buildup

To keep your shower clean, scrub the area at least once a week and use a daily cleaner after bathing. Keep some vinegar in a spray bottle and spritz it on grime-prone areas. 

Applying a baking soda paste on affected spots also helps in dealing with STUBBORN GRIME.

Use microfiber cloths, regularly clean and seal the grout, and ensure proper ventilation. Avoid harsh chemicals and stick to eco-friendly solutions.

Eradicating Mold or Mildew

Wear rubber gloves and a mask, and properly ventilate the bathroom when cleaning your shower space. 

Use undiluted white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide to remove mold and mildew. A baking soda and water mixture can also be used as an alternative. Follow instructions carefully when using commercial cleaners. 

Additionally, keep the shower area dry and clean the grout regularly — replace caulk if necessary.

Eco-friendly and Non-Toxic Shower Cleaning Solutions

If you’re about keeping things green and toxic-free, you’re in for a treat!

We have a lowdown on some eco-friendly, non-toxic shower solutions that’ll make your shower sparkle without using harsh chemicals.

Prepare to clean like a boss while being kind to the planet and your health!

Using Vinegar for Cleaning

White vinegar is a naturally acidic, powerful cleaner. If the shower isn’t made of natural stone, it’s safe to clean it with vinegar.

Using a spray bottle, spray a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water on soap-scum-affected areas and let it sit for a few minutes. The vinegar will break down the scum, making it easier to scrub.

For hard water spots on shower surfaces, spray undiluted white vinegar DIRECTLY on the spots. Let it sit briefly before gently scrubbing or wiping the spots away.

Using Baking Soda for Cleaning

Use a baking soda paste to cleanse shower stains and grime. Baking soda is safe for any shower’s material, and it helps neutralize odors. 

When cleaning, apply the paste to affected areas and let it sit before scrubbing with a sponge or cloth. Use a soft toothbrush to scrub grout streaks.

Dishwashing Soap and Other Homemade Solutions

Use liquid dish soap or vinegar to clean grime and soap scum from your shower. These options are SAFE, EFFECTIVE, and GENTLE on most materials.

For a stronger cleaning solution with a refreshing scent, combine lemon and vinegar to remove soap scum and leave a citrusy aroma. Recycle any empty bottles for these solutions.

How to Maintain a Clean Shower

To keep your shower clean and hygienic, follow these tips:

  • Clean a shower at least once a week to prevent grime, soap scum, and mold buildup.
  • After bathing, wipe down surfaces with a squeegee or microfiber cloth to remove excess water and prevent mineral deposits and soap scum.
  • Use a DIY daily spray cleaner after each shower to prevent soap scum and grime buildup.
  • Address soap scum as soon as you notice it using vinegar or baking soda paste.
  • Maintaining and cleaning the shower head regularly is crucial to ensure optimal water flow and control mineral deposits, which helps prevent clogs and reduced shower performance.
  • Keep the entire shower area well-ventilated and address mold or mildew immediately.
  • Use vinegar or lemon to remove hard water spots.
  • Regularly wipe down shower fixtures and the drain to prevent water spots, mineral buildup, and clogs.
  • After cleaning, dry all shower surfaces with a clean, soft towel or microfiber cloth to prevent water spots and streaks.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve gathered all the juiciest tips, tricks, and answers to common cleaning problems so you can rock your shower-cleaning game like a pro! 

But if you’re still puzzled, this FAQ section is perfect for you!

How Often Should I Clean My Shower?

According to the guidelines on cleaning frequency provided by experts, weekly cleaning is highly recommended to prevent the buildup of grime, soap scum, and mold.

What Is the Most Effective Way to Remove Soap Scum?

White vinegar and water are the most effective cleaners to remove scum. Spray this homemade solution on affected areas, let it sit for a few minutes, and scrub it away with a sponge or cloth.

For stubborn scum, create a paste using baking soda and water and gently scrub the scum before rinsing.

How Can I Control Mold and Mildew in My Shower?

In preventing mold and mildew, ensure PROPER VENTILATION by using a bathroom fan or opening a window during and after showers.

Wipe down surfaces after each use to remove excess water, and promptly address mold or mildew with appropriate cleaning solutions. Regularly inspect and clean grout lines and caulk to prevent mold growth.

Can I Use Household Items to Wash My Shower Walls and Shower Head?

You can use household items to wash your handheld shower head and shower walls.

White vinegar, baking soda, dish soap, lemon juice, and hydrogen peroxide are effective and eco-friendly options for cleaning various aspects of your shower — they’re non-toxic and safe to use.

What Is the Best Way to Clean a High-Traffic Bathroom?

The best way to clean a high-traffic bathroom is to establish a regular cleaning routine, clean up spills and messes promptly, and use effective cleaning tools like all-purpose cleaners and microfiber cloths.

Regular maintenance helps keep the bathroom clean and presentable, even during busy periods.


To indulge in a refreshing and hygienic shower experience, maintaining a clean and shiny shower is crucial — free from scum, mold, and grime buildup. 

Different showers require different care, so experiment with various cleaning solutions based on your needs and shower materials.

With the right tools and techniques, you can maintain an inviting shower space that is both ATTRACTIVE and HYGIENIC.

Scrub away with your gentle go-to cleaning tools and methods, and make every shower a rejuvenating experience!

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